Make the invisible visible.

By collectively answering a few questions:

1) Eliminate redundant training costs
2) Achieve regulatory competency
3) Provide businesses due diligence defence

CogniSense enhances safety performance, ensures regulatory compliance, and reduces costs by optimizing the allocation of training resources.

Get to know Cognisense.

Cognisense makes visible the metrics that demonstrate an organization’s capability to perform in compliance with regulatory expectations, while providing the leading indicators that are invaluable for incident prevention.

Our process is simple.

The CogniSense Competency Assessment and Development Process

Sign in and identify your organization.
Complete your designated assessment.
Review results, develop and selectively reassess as desired.
View system combined metrics of organization personnel.

CogniSense Benefits.

Optimized Training Allocation

Use CogniSense to ensure training resources are directed where they're needed most, improving efficiency and enhancing workforce competency.

Enhanced Safety Compliance

Our platform provides a comprehensive view of your team's competencies, enabling a safer, compliant, and more productive workspace.

Competency-Driven Performance

Leverage CogniSense to identify and enhance key skills within your workforce, driving productivity and operational success.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Use real-time competency data to make informed strategic decisions that advance your organization's goals.

Integrated Workforce Management

Seamlessly manage training needs, and competency levels with our user-friendly platform, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Visible Due Dilligence

Enabling organizations to demonstrate their efforts to assess, develop and maintain individual and collective competence.